Thursday, November 20, 2008

Job Vacancy

We are currently seeking some qualified candidate to fill the position as follows :

4 GSA (F/M)
1 Reservation Staff
Bellboy Driver
Engineering Staff
Cook I, II
Security Administration (F) Must able to operate Computer

All necessary Position must have minimum one year Experience in the same position,
for GSA and Reservation Staff Must able to speak English very well and able to operate VHP system.

For qualified candidate please feel free to send your comp lit Resume to andreasgandi[at] id at the latest one week from this advertisement, only a short listed candidate will be notified.

1 comment:

erick said...

1. Referring the information I heard that your company has a new vacancy for the position as cook. I would like to apply for that position due to my experienced in Hotel.
I am twenty two years old, I am still single and my last education from tourism academy Makassar food production management, I have been job experienced in palnaet hallywood baly and The 101 legian Hotel.
As consideration, here with some references are also enclosed the following :
1. Copy of Diploma 1 certificate
2. Copy of Curriculum Vitae
3. Photograph
4. Copy of some certificates
Thank you very much for your kind attention and would be pleased if you need me to come for an interview.
I am looking forward your replay.

Name : Erick Saputra Sardin
Place date of birth : pare pare, 03-05-1989
Address : Jl. Tegeh sari, no. 8
Nationality : Indonesia
Religion : moslem
Sex : male
Marital Status : Single
Telephone : 081-355973242
Email adrees : (, Facebook email (

- Tourism Academy Makassar (Food production Management)

1. Daily Worker at Horison hotel Makassar
2. Daily Worker at Santika Hotel Makassar
3. Daily Worker at Cokelat Hotel Makassar
4. Management Training At Misiliana Hotel Toraja
5. Training at planet Hollywood Restaurant and bar as cook.
6. Worked at Planet Hollywood Restaurant and bar as cook for 1 year.
7. Worked at The 101 Legian Bali as cook until now.
Yours faithfully,

Erick Saputra Sardin